

Key Technical DP Personnel (DP Vessel Maintainer Course) DP Scheme


The DPVM training scheme requires the trainee to complete the DP Vessel Maintainer Course.


The course is a five day course of 34 hours duration.


The course involved both theory and practical on a class B simulator and covers the following topics:


  • General Overview of DP
  • The power generation and management
  • Propulsion units
  • DP Control system and sensors
  • Position reference systems
  • Environmental reference systems
  • Documentation
  • DP operation and effects on DP system
  • Safe DP operation CAM, ASOG, TAM and TAGOS
  • Lesson learned
  • Manning, Training, and competency assessment


To find a training centre that is accredited to run the DPVM course, please download our accredited DPVM training centres list